less than 1 minute read

Homebrew’s Mutt formulae is in a bit of a disarray. I can’t blame them as Mutt has a bunch of not quite maintained patches not quite fully compatible with one another.

The problem is that some of these patches are very very useful. I have created a tap to maintain Mutt with the two key patches I use:

  • sidebar
  • trash

At the time of writing, it uses Mutt 1.5.24 but I might update it. To use the formulae, do:

brew tap emmanuelbernard/mutt
brew install emmanuelbernard/mutt/mutt

// or alternatively

brew install https://raw.githubusercontent.com/emmanuelbernard/homebrew-mutt/master/Formula/mutt.rb

I personally build them with the following options

brew install emmanuelbernard/mutt/mutt --with-sidebar-patch --with-trash-patch --with-gpgme --with-s-lang

s-lang supposedly has better support for color schemes like Solarized.

You can find the code at https://github.com/emmanuelbernard/homebrew-mutt.
